January 24th: Adopt a Farmer – A Unique STEM Experience for Middle School Students
Recipe for Learning: Start with some inquisitive middle school science students, add a farmer willing to share knowledge about the science and economics of farming and you have a wonderfully unique educational experience!
Mallory Phelan, Executive Director of Oregon Aglink, will talk about her organization’s “Adopt a Farmer” program that brings students and farmers together in a real world learning environment.
Program Chair: John McCulleyv

Leading from Every Seat
One thing I love about Rotary is how its well-defined infrastructure co-exists with nearly unlimited options for involvement. Yes, there is a leadership structure, but it is not based on power; it is based on service. That creates loads of opportunities for members to get involved in whatever ways work best for them. Every single thing that needs doing is important. Stated another way, every single thing YOU do in service of our collective Rotary vision matters – from fixing the Badge Box (thank you, Warren!) to greeting all of us at weekly meetings, leading songs and invocations (thank you, Committee members!), to international service and our latest Global Grant (thank you Howard and Pat!).
As my newest favorite leadership author wrote, “. . . you can lead from any seat. Leadership is not a title . . .In fact, no matter what you do for a living . . . be intentional about showing up as a leader EVERY DAY. Leadership is an active state of being.” (Carla A. Harris, Lead to Win, 2022, p. 106.)
So . . . for those of you who are already actively involved in making our Rotary vision come to life every day, THANK YOU! For those of you who may be new to our club or uncertain how you might get involved, the beginning of a new year is a great time to get curious and try something new. Download the DACdb app on your phone (see Holly if you need help), explore our committees, and try one. We need you!!
I’m so excited for our program this week!! Thank you, Program Chair John McCulley!! One last thing: PLEASE buy your tickets for our Good Works Gala on Feb 2 if you haven’t already! (https://rotaryclubofsalem.com/salem-rotary-2024-good-works-gala/)
See you Wednesday!
Yours in Rotary Service,