January 30 – Willamette Heritage Center
Program: OSU Pat Casey
Wear your ORANGE and come join us for a great program featuring former Head Coach Pat Casey who will talk about the amazing track record of the Beaver baseball program.
Program Chair: Chane Griggs

Message from President Rus
Well, we kinda took a week off to allow fellow Rotarian and Salem Mayor Chuck Bennett a platform for his annual State of the City address. I hope you were able to attend. We are now back in the saddle with a fantastic program this week at the Heritage Center. Coach Pat Casey’s record with the Oregon State baseball program is nothing less than phenomenal. He is a true inspiration to his community, the State of Oregon, his profession, and most importantly the young men he had an opportunity to develop and lead. I’m really looking forward to his chat with us.
On another, just as important note, February 9 is right around the corner. That is the date for our annual GoodWorks Auction, the cornerstone of our charitable giving endeavors. Without this event, our club can come no where near the impact we have made for so many years, both locally and internationally. Besides that, it is really a lot of fun. I’ve been attending the planning meetings of this wonderfully talented and dedicated committee of fellow Rotarians and they have a super evening planned. If you have not purchased your tickets, here’s a link to purchase GoodWorks auction tickets. You can also purchase tickets Wednesday at the club meeting. As much as I hate to say, not everyone will be able to attend, but if that is the case for you, you’ll miss a truly fun event but, you can still do your part by making a donation to our charitable bank account by this link to our GoodWorks donation page. Or you can send your tax-deductible donation payable to the Salem Rotary Foundation to PO Box 3981, Salem OR, 97302. Your participation as a Salem Rotarian is vitally important and appreciated by all.
Don’t forget Program Chair Chane Grigg’s challenge for next Wednesday….wear ORANGE! And also, don’t forget we are at the Heritage Center.
See you tomorrow,