January 31st: An Update from Police Chief Womack
Please join us to hear from Chief Womack on how they are faring in the current budget situation and his perspective on the current gun crisis in Salem.
Program Chair: Chane Griggs

This is Good Works Silver & Gold Gala Week!!!
Greetings, Fellow Rotarians! I hope this note finds you well!
It’s here!! This is Gala Week!! Special thanks to our incredible Good Works Committee, our awesome Sponsors, all those of you who plan to attend, and all of our donors and soon-to-be donors!
I’m excited for Friday night and I hope you are, too! Couple of things to remember – even if you can’t make the event, you can still purchase a Golden Ticket and have a chance to win one of the fabulous Experiences! (To buy a Golden Ticket, just click here: https://rotaryclubofsalem.com/salem-rotary-2024-good-works-gala/ ). You can also make an extra donation to the Salem Rotary Foundation to show your support for all the of the incredible investments we plan to make this year. Here is the link (https://rotaryclubofsalem.com/give/) . Thank you for your generosity!
“Integrity is choosing courage over comfort.” (Brene Brown, Dare to Lead, (New York: Penguin Random House, 2018), p. 220. I love this quote and I think it sums up who we try to be as Rotarians. The Rotarians who inspire me the most are those who go the extra mile and somehow manage to find another gear even when their plates are full or they are tired. They are choosing courage over comfort.
This Wednesday Salem Police Chief Trevor Womack will be our speaker and I’m both grateful and excited to have him! In choosing a career in law enforcement, he lives into his values; he chooses courage over comfort in leading a group of professionals who face lethal risks every single day. Thank you for making a special effort to join us Wednesday so that we can give Chief Womack a warm welcome!
Thank you SO much for being in our Rotary Club of Salem!! I look forward to seeing you Wednesday!
Yours in Rotary Service,