Weekly Newsletter | January 31, 2017

To paraphrase RI President Germ’s thought in the current Rotarian magazine – just imagine a world without Rotary. Think of Rotary’s contributions since 1905 to improving the issues of: peace, poverty, health, clean water, basic sanitation and educating the world’s children. Rotary is the benchmark by which all NGOs are measured. Rotary is the local and international gold standard for service to the world’s needy. To continue to be relevant, inventive and courageous Rotary clubs must be strong and ready to deliver the goods.
I have three goldfish left in my pond at the house. I have not been as attentive to its ecology as I should have been. The pond can support many more fish than that. It’s my responsibility to keep the pond populated, vibrant and in balance with nature.
With respect to our Rotary pond I am pleased with the progress we have made to make our club more vigorous – that is, grow our club this year. We have much left to do before June 30th. So, please join me and your Rotary brothers and sisters as we continue to march forward this year to populate our own pond with new energy, creative ideas and people who firmly believe in Service Above Self.
This week’s club meeting: Shea Booster of Bend is president of the 6,000 member Oregon FFA. He will describe how implementing the FFA Motto – Learning to Do; Doing to Learn; Earning to Live; Living to Serve – leads to student success
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