July 15: The Future of Air Travel
Keith Leavitt, Chief Commercial Officer with the Port of Portland,
will discuss the future of air travel, both passenger and cargo, in a post-COVID-19 world. While more people are beginning to fly, travel at PDX is still down by over 84%. Leavitt will talk about how and when that may turn around, and the economic ramifications for the airport.

Kate Geldaker, Director of Government Affairs for Alaska Airlines, will review the current state of the industry
and the economic and other challenges faced by Alaska Airlines. She will also discuss what it is like to fly now and Alaska Airline’s Next-Level Care actions to keep guests safe.

Program Chair – Tammy Dennee
Message from President Sue
Greetings Rotary Friends,
Throughout recent months, we have seen our country shaken once again by racial injustice facing Black communities. These events are not new, yet we have seen an incredible urgency in the movement for Black lives taking place both nationally and globally. Rotary has recognized Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) as a top priority. Building off of Rotary International’s response to racism, and as an organization that maintains a core value of promoting peace, how can we address matters of racial injustice in our local district and clubs?
District 5100 Rotaract invites members to join a D5100 Discussion on Racial Justice Zoom call on Monday, July 20th at 6:30pm.The event can be found here on our Facebook page. They seek to provide a discussion platform for Rotaractors or Rotarians within D5100 that wish to engage on matters of racial injustice in our clubs.
This call will be hosted by District Rotaractors Sydney Schilling (DRR, 2020-21) and Rhett Martin (DRR, 2019-20). They specifically aim to address how Rotaractors and Rotarians in our district can better educate ourselves around racial justice to create more inclusive and welcoming environments for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC). As Rotarians and Rotaractors, the opportunity is now to identify how we can prioritize DEI efforts within our clubs and acknowledge where we can do better – both at the club and district level.
Below is the outline for discussion and exploration:
- Acknowledgment of D5100 racial demographics and how this directly impacts the communities we engage, organizations we support, accessibility of our meetings/events, and the experiences of BIPOC members and non-members.
- Discussions / movement taking place on racial justice matters in clubs around our district.
- Bringing forth barriers to a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture within our clubs and district.
- Taking action through education: Areas of opportunity for D5100 Rotaractors and Rotarians to expand our awareness and understanding on matters of racial injustice.
- Portland Pearl Rotary Club Social Justice Committee – structure, programs, and DEI data tracking.
- Next Steps.
Time: Jul 20, 2020 06:30 PM PST (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 957 7722 1680
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Topic: Rotary Weekly Meeting
Time: Jul 15, 2020 08:00 AM PST (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 884 7093 8534
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Meeting ID: 884 7093 8534
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Your President,