July 22: The Oregon State Capitol Foundation
Join Bob Repine and Judy Hall for a great program on the Oregon State Capitol Foundation.
Because of the foundation’s work, the Capitol is even more fabulous than you remember in your 4th grade tour of Salem’s iconic building.

Bob is an OSCF Board Member and Nominating Committee Chair.

Judy is OSCF Vice Chair and
Special Events Committee Chair.
Program Chair: Chane Griggs
Message from President Sue
Greetings Rotary Friends,
NEW START TIME FOR OUR WEEKLY MEETINGS until we reconvene in Person: 12:00 NOON
We will ring the bell to start the meeting at 12 sharp (Zoom call will begin 11:45 for fellowship).
Past President Tim will chair our meeting this week-thank you Tim!
Beginning with this week’s meeting, Alena Harvey, with Spire Management, will provide technical assistance as well as prepare the program recording to share out for those unable to attend. Thank you to everyone who has provided zoom technical support for our virtual meetings-you’ve help us all stay connected. It is truly appreciated!
Two quick reminders:
- Tuesday night’s diversity, equity and inclusion conversation hosting by Portland’s Rotaract Club. The zoom link and all the details are in last week’s eblast.
- If you haven’t had a chance to do so please complete our membership survey.
Rotary Club of Salem is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: History of the Oregon State Capitol Foundation
Time: Jul 22, 2020 12:00 PM PST
Meeting ID: 920 9241 8718
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Meeting ID: 920 9241 8718
Your President,