July 6: Meet Jennifer Jones, Rotary International’s first female President (via video)

Jennifer Jones, from the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland, Ontario, Canada, is Rotary International’s first female President. A Rotary member since 1997, she has served as RI vice president, director, training leader, committee chair, moderator, and district governor. She is also the co-chair of the End Polio Now Countdown to History Campaign Committee. Jones has received RI’s Service Above Self Award and The Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service. President Jones appears via video sharing her theme and vision for the 2022-23 Rotary year.
Program Chair: Renee Campbell
Meeting Location: Willamette Heritage Center’s Spinning Room

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Meeting ID: 858 7834 8583
Passcode: 459916
Fellow Rotarians,
Wow, I am having a hard time believing that I am your new President. As I said last week, I am anxious but also very excited to lead such a great organization!!!
I think Ron Kelemen coined the phrase, “We are a club that get’s things done” No kidding, on my second day on the job our board met for a strategic planning session to outline our goals and objectives for the coming Rotary year. What a great team of people I get to work with.
I am sad to see Kelly White and Robin Kerner step off the board. Kelly has kept our weekly club meetings running smoothly for the past three years and Robin oversaw membership for the past two years. I would like to thank you both for all time and energy you have given our club over the years. Thank you!
I am excited to welcome Trisha Frizzell who will be taking over club operations for Kelly and Lauren Gutierrez who will be taking over membership for Robin.
Alison Kelley joined the board as our brand-new President-Elect. Watch out Alison my President-Elect year went by extremely fast; before you know it, you will be in the hot seat.
And Chane Griggs was extremely excited to continue on the board but with her new title of Immediate Past President. Thank you, Chane, you have been a great mentor and friend over the last couple of years. I hope I can come close to filling your shoes. You are awesome!
Here is your current slate of officers for the 22-23 Rotary Year:
New Board Members:
Alison Kelley – President-Elect – Program Committee Chair
Trisha Frizzell – Club Service – For Kelly
Lauren Gutierrez, Membership – for Robin
Claudia Vorse – Vocational Service – Thank you for staying on.
Chuck Swank – Treasurer
Holly Berry – Secretary
Jenn Columbus – Club New Generations Chair
Pam Wasson – Public Image
Cyndi Leinassar – Fundraising
Pat Force – International Service
Justin Tyler – Community Service
Click here for the Organizational chart. Like I said what a great team!!!
We have some exciting things planned for the 2022-23 year so get ready and hang on tight!!!
This week we will be hearing from Rotary International President Jennifer Jones, our first female Rotary International President. She has done some amazing things and is an incredible speaker that I am sure you will enjoy. Renee Campbell will be the program chair.
Thank you again for the privilege of leading this amazing club.

David Decklemann
2022-2023 President
Rotary Club of Salem
100 Years of Service to Our Community & the World