April 1 – No Meeting
Message from President Tammy
As we honor the Order to remain at home, the need to connect becomes that much more acute. A small group of us have been gathering via a virtual app called Zoom for a Happy Hour. It’s been great fun as we have learned how to navigate this piece of technology. If you would like to join, just let me know and I will add you to the list. It’s a great way for us to stay connected, see each other’s faces and share a few laughs.
Thank you to those of you who read your weekly eblast and took a few minutes to compete the survey asking if you had interest in having our weekly meetings continue using an online system. We had 56 responses of which 52 said Yes. So, we are in the process of determining the best technology for our weekly Rotary Meetings. Please stay tuned. I envision we will be ready to call everyone together on Wednesday, April 8. So, mark your calendars for Rotary once again. We’ll make it fun and informative and we’ll stay connected!
I hope and pray you are well and feeling productive during this very different time. Don’t be shy, reach out to fellow Rotarians if you need a chat. We are a community and we’re going to figure out how to reach out safely to our community to positively impact those in need.
A suggestion was offered by SRF President, John McCulley, for those of us who want to direct the dollars we would normally allocate to our weekly meetings, to make contributions to the many nonprofits represented in our membership. If interested, click on the nonprofits below and you will be taken to their donation pages.
I miss you and am looking forward to when we can convene in person. Until then, we will meet virtually and stay connected.
Big (virtual) hugs my friends,