March 18 and 25 – No Meetings
Message from President Tammy
Greetings Rotary Friends,
What a difference two weeks makes…we find ourselves working remotely and experiencing isolation in a way many of us are not accustomed to or frankly very comfortable with (in the opinion of your extroverted President).
My hope is for us to use this weekly E-Blast as a form of robust communication from our Committee Leaders who will keep us informed of opportunities for engagement via technology to maintain the meaningful conversations and tasks assigned to each Committee.
Thanks to Brenna Baucum and her amazing technology skills, we are investigating the option of convening our weekly meeting via technology. However, before we attempt it, we would like to know if you are willing. Please follow this link and complete the online survey:
If you know of fellow members who may not be very tech savvy, consider contacting them by phone and offer to complete the survey for them also. Once we have tabulated the survey results, we will determine next steps.
As you are no doubt aware, the Salem Convention Center has closed through Mid-April. We have officially ceased convening our in-person meetings until further notice and taking it week by week regarding our speakers and venues. The Board Leadership will closely monitor the Oregon Health Authority updates and Executive Orders from the Governor and plan accordingly. You will be notified via a special E-Blast and PMail (using the DacDb) database to alert you of our next in person meeting.
You are important to me and I value your friendship. Please keep in touch. I know Rotary is just a part of our world and not our entire world. We will maintain our perpectives and be available to each other as our schedules permit. Remember you have the full roster of members at your fingertips through the DacDb site.
Stay safe my friends. I am hopeful we will see each other very soon.
Yours in Rotary Service,