May 8 – Willamette Heritage Center
Program: Accessing Water from the Columbia
This week, J.R.Cook, founder and director of the Northeast Oregon Water Association (NOWA) – a non-profit established to protec and enhance the value-added natural resource-based economy in northeastern Oregon – will share with us a glimpse into the complex world of water management in Oregon looking specifically at the history of the surface and groundwater issues in the Umatilla Basin and the attempts by that region to fix legacy problems that began prior to the start of the 20th century. This program will provide basic water terminology and math as well as provide participants with an understanding of the value of water in the State of Oregon and the value of maintaining and sustaining the irrigated agricultural economy in the Umatilla Basin.
Program Chair: Sue Bloom

Message from President Rus
Hello Salem Rotarians,
I hope you were able to join us last Wednesday for a truly inspiring presentation of our fellow Rotarian Ernesto Toskovic’s dramatic journey with his family from his war torn home of Yugoslavia to the United States. The impact of this program extended beyond our lunch as I started receiving notices of posting and comments on Facebook. As the day progressed, I began to appreciate the power of social media to tell such compelling stories of friendship and impact. Our Public Information committee headed by Brenna Baucum is one of the best in the district and really good at what they do. But they need some help.
This team could really use a few more hands to help manage the workload of the job they do so well. I asked Brenna for a recap of her “Help Wanted List” and she provided the following:
The Public Image committee is looking for members who are willing to dedicate a small bit of time to make our club shine:Weekly meeting photographer: snap a couple of pictures / videos at each weekly meeting and post them to Facebook; be creative w/ the shots and shake it up.
- Time commitment: Ideally, this could be a role that’s fulfilled before you even leave the convention center.
- A good fit: someone who is familiar w/ their phone’s camera, knows how to post to social media applications using tags and check in’s and who has relatively regular attendance. This could certainly be done by more than one person on a rotating shift.
Calendar / Event entry: update the calendar on dACdb with various events, committee meetings and other relevant information and add weekly and other outings as events to our Facebook page.
- Time commitment: 5-10 minutes per week.
- A good fit: someone who is comfortable with technology and learning new things or – familiar with dACdb / Facebook events already.
Website management: adding the occasional announcement, new member introduction and other updates to our website as information comes in. Serve as backup to post weekly e-blast.
- Time commitment: 10-15 minutes a month.
- A good fit: someone who is familiar with WordPress.
The committee will meet next on 5/22 at 11:15 just before our club meeting, in the same space. (They always meet on the 4th Wednesday at that time.) If you’re interested in learning more, feel free to sit in on that meeting, or contact Brenna Baucum.
During new member inductions, I talk about the importance of getting involved in the club to find your path toward making an impact. I also talk about the value of developing friendships within the club to become more engaged. For a few minutes a month, the Public Information committee provides an excellent path toward those goals. Please consider becoming part of the team telling our truly inspiring story.
See you tomorrow,