November 8th: The Rotary Foundation Awards Recognition – Dawn Bostwick
Dawn Bostwick served as our club President in 2010-11. She has served on our Rotary Foundation for a “bazillion” years, working with Jim Booth before taking the position of chair. Dawn received the District Service Award in 2016 for Outstanding Service and Commitment for promoting the Rotary Foundation for World Understanding and Peace.
Join us for a brief update on our club’s participation in grants and giving, and then we will catch up on our donor recognition awards.
Program Chair: Renee Campbell

Fellow Rotarians – welcome to November! This is the beginning of the calm, quiet, misty days of winter – great days to snuggle up in front of a warm fire, read a book, pull out your laptop and . . . consider an online donation to The Rotary Foundation! (
Past President Renee Campbell’s remarks last week struck me in such a profound way. We are so lucky to have Renee in our club as a leader, mentor, and visionary. I know that many of us are pulled financially in many different directions and being on the receiving end of one more request can feel like a bit much. There is one idea that really helps, though – the thought of “Every member, every year.” I appreciate knowing that even though it isn’t as much as I want to give, my donation will be combined with others from our club, district and all over the world to support life-changing projects all over the world.
This week we will hear from another one of our hard-working Past Presidents, Dawn Bostwick, and I know her heartfelt remarks and awards will be very moving.
Thank you for creating hope in the world!
Yours in Rotary Service,