October 25th: Rotary District Governor Renee Brouse
Renee Brouse has been a member of the Rotary Club of Sherwood since 2006. She has been active in Youth Exchange, on the Service, International Service, and Fundraising Committees. She served as President of the Rotary Club of Sherwood in 2011-12.
Her mission is to make a difference in the lives of others; her vision is to be the change she wants to see, and her core values embrace belief, responsibility, lifelong learning, empathy, and service.
District Governor Renee brings an update on what is happening in the district and resources to help us be a vibrant club and Create Hope in the World.
Program Chair: Renee Campbell

From the President:
Welcome to the last full week of October! I hope the gorgeous fall colors are giving you joy!
I’m so excited that this week we will welcome Rotary District 5100 Governor Renee Brouse! I hope you will make it a priority to attend this meeting so that we can let her get a great sense of how incredible the Rotary Club of Salem is!! I had a fun idea over the weekend – if you happen to have any Rotary “bling” such as apparel, this would be a great meeting to wear it! Kind of like when we go to a football game and wear our team’s colors – it is a fun way to show some spirit!
One thing that has really impressed me beyond words is the deep, sustainable infrastructure of Rotary. If you’d like to know more about our very own District 5100, this link will take you to the official website: https://isrotaryforyou.com/leadership/. There you will see a brief note about our founder, Paul Harris, a longer note about our current Rotary International President Gordon McInally, our Rotary International Director Dan Himelspach, and our current District Governor, Renee Brouse. I really encourage you to click on the link and scroll down to learn more about Renee – she has been deeply involved in Rotary, giving generously of her time AND her treasure – she sets a powerful example for us! With Past District Governor Renee Campbell as our Program Chair this week, this promises to be a very moving meeting!
As always, thank you for all YOU do to create hope in the world!!
Yours in Rotary Service,