October 4th: Salem Rotary Foundation Program
The Rotary Club of Salem established the Salem Rotary Foundation as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization in 1969. The purpose of the foundation is to benefit the health, education and general welfare, principally of young people in the Salem area by awarding grants to local nonprofit organizations that focus on such programs.
This week we will be hearing more about the Salem Rotary Foundation and in particular, what has been happening in the last year.
Program Chair: Rus McCracken

I hope this note finds you well! What glorious fall weather we are having!
It was such an honor to host Rear Admiral Mike Brown last week! He impressed me with his clear vision, dedication, and work ethic. As I pondered his remarks, it occurred to me that people like him don’t settle for the easy path. They intentionally choose a challenging path, likely because they are inspired and motivated by a sense of higher purpose.
This week we will focus on the incredible work of the Salem Rotary Foundation – OUR Salem Rotary Foundation. Like Admiral Brown, we have leaders in SRF who intentionally choose to give of their extensive experience, precious time, incredible talent and endless energy. They inspire me. In building and managing a robust fund, our SRF leaders make it possible for us to invest in powerful ways both in our community and in our youth. As Rotarians, we are all motivated by a sense of higher purpose. I look forward to seeing you Wednesday!
Yours in Rotary Service,