November 1st: Renee Campbell, District 5100 Foundation Committee Chair
The Rotary Foundation is as deep as it is wide: donations, donor recognition, history, programs ,and projects.
Come see what your donations do and the difference you make in the world.
Program Chair: Dawn Bostwick

Rotary: A Global, Life-Changing Force for Good!
Hello, fellow Rotarians!
I hope this note finds you well and that your day is off to a great start! I appreciate each and every one of you!
THANK YOU for joining us last Wednesday, October 25, to welcome our District 5100 Governor Renee Brouse! Special thanks to Past President and Past District Governor Renee Campbell for chairing the program and ensuring everything went smoothly. It was such a great meeting! DG Brouse shared a very inspiring set of remarks, we honored hard-working Rotarians Chuck Swank and Past President Tom Golden, AND we welcomed a new Rotarian to our club – Lisa Harnisch! With Superintendent Andrea Castaneda and North Salem Principal Dustin Purnell, that makes three new members to our club since summer – hooray! Welcome, Lisa, Dustin and Andrea – we are so excited you joined the Rotary Club of Salem! If you weren’t able to attend, I encourage you to watch the recording at this link: .
Speaking of Renee Campbell, this week she will offer a program on The Rotary Foundation. If you have ever felt fuzzy about the difference between the Salem Rotary Foundation (SRF) and The Rotary Foundation (TRF), this program will help! TRF is a remarkable global investment life-changing force for good! Come join your fellow Rotarians and hear what Renee has to share.
I look forward to seeing you Wednesday!
Yours in Rotary Service,