Weekly Newsletter | June 18, 2019

June 19 – Salem Convention Center

Program: Salem Health Updates, Trends & Jobs

Cheryl Nester Wolfe, President and CEO of Salem Health since 2015, will provide an update on current happenings and future plans at Salem’s largest private employer and the only hospital in the city.

Program Chair: Sue Bloom  

Message from President Rus

Hello Salem Rotarians,


Just a reminder, our 2019-2020 club dues must be paid, or arrangements made, by the end of this month. Rotary International requires our membership roster to be set by July 1st. This is the baseline for billing the club RI and District fees, all based upon membership. To those of you that have already paid…thanks. If you have not as of yet, please remit at your earliest convenience or communicate with Chuck Swank or Holly Berry your intentions. Next year is our 100th anniversary and one you won’t want to miss….thank you.
** Thank You Stephanie Smetana **

Behind the scenes for the last four years and approximately 200 weekly eblasts, Stephanie Smetana has consistently, diligently, and with timely quality, published our weekly eblasts. This will be her last issue.
Earlier this year she informed your club leadership her personal travel schedule has become such, she could no longer provide the service she has done so well over this time. Sometimes retirement just gets in the way and that isn’t all bad. This weekly communication to membership is vital, keeping the club informed about Rotary activities around us. Stephanie has done an outstanding job, each week behind the scenes, providing this medium in an organized fashion and timely matter. I know I speak for the club in thanking Stephanie for her EXCELLENT support and service, each and every week, for the past four years.
Pam Wasson is assuming Stephanie’s role and has been co-producing our eblasts for the last few weeks while learning the process. A big club thank you goes to Pam and I know our membership will give her our full support.

** Amphitheater Huddle **

Our third amphitheater huddle will be tomorrow, and the subject will be construction. Last week Ken VanOsdol showed a brief video of a prototype beam demonstrating the basket weave concept so key to our legacy gift. We will delve more deeply into that material, with some samples including beam material, fasteners, architectural drawings, and a piece of the actual white covering. Jim Schiess who is managing the project for Dalke Construction will also be in attendance, calendar permitting, to share the activities underway to further define construction details. Hope you can stay after lunch and join us.

See you tomorrow,

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