Weekly Newsletter | January 5, 2016

Our Club’s major fundraiser is next month! In this one evening on February 13th, we must raise enough charitable funds to fulfill the budgeted wish lists of many different Club committees. One such committee is the World Community Service committee. Did you know that Rotary Club of Salem is one of the most active participants […]

Weekly Newsletter | December 29, 2015

With my last President’s Message of the calendar year, I would like to say thank you to each of you for being a member of Rotary Club of Salem. I hope that your active involvement in our Club makes you feel like you’re part of something bigger, more noble and more important that just individual […]

Weekly Newsletter | December 22, 2015

I’ve been writing about our upcoming major fundraiser, A Night to Pay it Forward, which will take place February 13, 2016. The funds that we raise that evening will be used to support a wide variety of the charitable causes that our Club members care about very deeply. The largest one is this year’s chosen […]

Weekly Newsletter | December 15, 2015

From the proceeds of our major event next February, we have pledged $30,000 to help build a Salem Bike Park and Trail Facility. The Good Works selection committee had a huge task on our hands to choose just one recipient from so many worthy projects. But here are some of the reasons we love this […]

Weekly Newsletter | December 8, 2015

What a privilege it is to be part of the international community of Rotary. It takes an organization as huge and well organized as Rotary to tackle some of the world’s most difficult problems. During this month of December, which is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month on the Rotary calendar, please watch this video about providing […]

New Member Feature: Lisa Campbell

We were thrilled to welcome Lisa Fanceschi-Campbell into our club this week. She’s not a fan of boasting about herself, but she managed to put together this short list to help her sponsor – Natalie Dunn – introduce Lisa to the club. “Lisa wanted to share her favorite bible verse, which just happened to pop up […]

Searching for Sponsors

Looking for a way to support GoodWorks in our community, and get some excellent business exposure while you’re at it? Look no further. Our 2016 GoodWorks Charity Auction will support Salem Area Trail Alliance and their construction of the Salem Bike Park & Trail Facility. Never been to this annual affair? It’s an opportunity to get dressed […]

Weekly Newsletter | December 1, 2015

Thank you to all the members of Rotary Club of Salem who are using your creativity, connections and commitment to produce some amazing auction items. Our Club’s major fundraiser will take place on the Saturday evening before Valentine’s Day, February 13, 2016. These auction items include one-of-a-kind products and experiences that draw upon the special […]

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