Recently the Salem Community celebrated with Gerry Frank his 93rd birthday, September 21. Gerry, as the unofficial “Ambassador for Oregon,” has a deep and long history of service to the Salem and Oregon community. What a great role model Gerry is for the state, city and our Rotary members alike. As a long-time member of […]
New Member Introduction: Thomas Nabhan
We’re very happy to welcome our newest member: Thomas Nabhan. Learn more about him by reading over this introduction, as read by his sponsor, Barby Dressler: Tom was born in El Paso, Texas, and grew up loving music! His mother was an accomplished pianist and the only class he remembers from elementary school is Band […]
Connecting for Good Tour – Portland Stop!
Rotary’s Connecting for Good Tour is a 14 city goodwill road trip starting October 29, 2016 in Honolulu and ending November 11, 2016 in Santa Barbara! With each stop, the tour acts as a catalyst to unite local Rotarians around a common service project benefiting our community. The tour’s team will be hitting the road […]
Weekly Newsletter | October 11, 2016
October 24th is World Polio Day. Like other Rotary clubs around the world we will be “refreshing” our commitment to seeing this world-changing medical issue to its goal-line. Eradication is so close – just two countries. But, as you know, with any substantial undertaking, it’s the last 5% that is the toughest to make stick, […]
Weekly Newsletter | October 4, 2016
Whether it’s setting up a Community Garden and Farm Training Center in Cape Flats, South Africa, cleaning up beaches in the Philippines, fighting to reduce domestic violence in Gainesville, Texas, or setting up a non-profit (SHE) that now engages 800 women in employment in India, Rotarians around the world are working hard to make our […]
New Member Introduction: Neal Henning
We’re pleased to welcome one of our newest members, Neal Henning. Learn more about him by reading over this short biography: I come from a large family of 10 children born and raised in Los Angeles. In 1970 my parents moved us all to Prospect. Oregon, population 350. What a culture shock! I fell in […]
Weekly Newsletter | September 27, 2016
This week’s note from your president will be brief. This is the one time of the year that we focus on our Salem Rotary Foundation. It is the charitable arm of the club and as such it needs, like our Membership Challenge, to be a strong and healthy part of our overall giving and life. I would ask […]
Weekly Newsletter | September 20, 2016
In the current issue of the Harvard Business Review there is a very enlightening article entitled NOISE. Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman at Princeton and others highlighted how a variety of human judgments can influence and cloud the decision making process. This “noise” over time results in millions of dollars lost, inconsistent organizational direction and time wasted. This […]