It’s time for action! Our Club members are gearing up for the biggest event of our Rotary year, and they need your help. Volunteers are needed to serve on the teams that are tasked with creating a very successful event. Our major fundraiser will take place February 13, 2016 at the Salem Convention Center. Christian […]
Weekly Newsletter | October 13, 2015
What is Rotaract? Rotaract is a Rotary Club structure designed for young adults ages 18-30. Every Rotaract Club is a separate entity, just like Rotary Club of Salem, but each has a sponsoring Club. For example, our Club sponsors the Willamette Rotaract Club whose current President is Stephanie Bednarz. Why is it important for us […]
Weekly Newsletter | October 6, 2015
Rotary International’s theme for October is “Economic and Commercial Development.” There are many examples of how Rotarians worldwide become involved. One project I read about is a microloan program in Honduras. The rural villages in the western highlands of Honduras are home to some of the poorest indigenous people in the country. This is where […]
Weekly Newsletter | September 29, 2015
We conclude Salem Rotary Foundation month with a fun and relaxed social event on Friday, October 2, 2015. Please come, bring guests and family, and help us celebrate SRF. Details can be found in this week’s E Blast as a link to the flyer. At last week’s meeting, we heard from a number of local […]
Weekly Newsletter | September 22, 2015
Motivational experts tell us that the more we focus on a goal, the more likely it is to come true. Therefore let’s focus today on the goal of Salem Rotary Foundation (SRF) to grow its permanent fund to $1 million. The commitment to this goal was made in 2010, at a time when the SRF […]
Weekly Newsletter | September 15, 2015
During the initial goal-setting phase of our Rotary year, your Board members sit down together and plan how much our Club’s charitable giving will be for the year. Do you know how much we’re aiming for? Eighty thousand. That’ right. An 8 with four zeros behind it. The list of charitable initiatives includes everything from […]
Weekly Newsletter | September 8, 2015
We set aside each September to promote and celebrate your Salem Rotary Foundation (SRF), the Charitable Heart of Salem Rotary. This nonprofit entity is made up of the same members as our Club – which is all of you. It sole purpose is to support the charitable good work that our Club does in […]
Weekly Newsletter | September 1, 2015
Earnest Duvall had big dreams when he graduated from high school in 1949. But there was no financial possibility he could attend college. Through the help of Silverton High School’s principal, Earnest received a scholarship from the Rotary Club of Salem to attend Willamette University. Without that assistance, a college education would have remained a […]