Weekly Newsletter | August 21, 2018

August 22 – Salem Convention Center

Program – How Rotary Prepared Me for My Career

Our own club member, Vanessa Nordyke, will speak on how Rotary prepared her for leadership roles, culminating in her historic election to youngest-ever president of the Oregon State Bar. Vanessa will discuss how public speaking, social media, and working as a team prepared her for success both in and out of the courtroom. Vanessa will also discuss her goals for the Bar and what the Bar is and does in furtherance of its mission of public protection.
Program Chair: Larry Gray
Message from President Rus
I hope you had a chance to join us for lunch last week. Many of you did and it was one of the largest lunch crowds I’ve seen in a long time for a truly important and locally relevant program. More importantly I was excited by also seeing three visiting Rotarians and 14 guests. So many guests for a meeting indicates local interest in our club, our programs, and Rotary in general. As I walked around before the meeting greeting unfamiliar faces, I met two of our guests who indicated an interest in joining the Rotary Club of Salem. That was inspiring. But that is where I had to end my part of the equation and move up to the podium. As everyone sat to begin their meals and chat, it became your part to welcome them, ask why they have dropped by, help them feel comfortable, and inquire if they had any questions.

I cannot overemphasize that we belong to a big and rather intimidating club. We all have our comfort zones and they come into play as we sit each Wednesday for conversation with friends and fellow Rotarians. Those barriers to guests, prospective members, and even new Rotarians will crumble if we all step a bit out of those routines and either choose a different table for a change or invite an unfamiliar face to yours.

I challenge you this week to stretch a bit. Try a different table, reach out to a Red Badge to join you, or just strike up a conversation with an unfamiliar face. You will be an inspiration, spread the friendship of this great club, and most definitely make an impact. That is what we are all about.

See you tomorrow,