August 26: Salem-Keizer School District’s Distance Learning Plan
Iton Udosenata, Co-Assistant Superintendent of Salem-Keizer School District, will share the framework of the district’s comprehensive
distance learning plan, as well as speak to the evolution of education and how we can support this new learning experience, including the social and emotional perspective of virtual learning.

Program Chair: Lara Tiffin
Message from President Sue
Hello fellow Rotarians,
At a recent program committee meeting, we discussed bringing the topic of Comprehensive Distance Learning and it’s structure to the Club to better understand ‘what it will look like’ come September when our youth head back to the (virtual) classroom.
Our program team was also very interested in learning how, as parents and grandparents, we can best support our young learners.
Click here to read a Johns Hopkins School of Education article on the topic of support. (I think some of these tips are helpful for our grown up work day-who couldn’t use some gold stars every so often!)
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Yours in service. Sue