Weekly Newsletter | August 30, 2016

In the current issue of “the Rotarian” there is a very short and enlightening article about leadership. In this article Frank Bures highlights three kinds of successful leaders from the book – SUPERBOSSES. The three are: the Iconoclast, Glorious Bastards and the Nurturers. Needless-to-say, if you match the skill sets inherent in these three approaches to the situation faced, a Rotary leader or leadership team can significantly increase the likelihood of real and measurable progress. The trick is diagnosing the leadership match needed and then building the team to get the job done.
So, as we think about the tasks we face as members and leaders of this “results oriented” Rotary Club, please think about what personal leadership challenges you are facing and what skill sets are required to prevail. This will increase the possibility of your hitting a home run while tackling a local project, personal membership recruitment, fund raiser or International Activity.
Our very own Christian Bryant is very good at knowing when to highlight the mission, when to focus and apply pressure and when to do team building. His results speak for themselves and are measurable.
This Rotary Club membership is unique (special) not only in its core commitment to “getting things done” but we have successfully displayed an unwavering commitment to 1.) our Core Rotary Mission, 2.) our clear focus on getting to our identified Goal-Line and 3.) making sure that we all Get There Together.
Lets show ourselves, District 5100 and Rotary Central not only that while other Districts are loosing members District 5100 is on the move. Lets do our part to strengthen this club and our district’s ability to Serve Humanity.
A special thanks to you all for making this happen.
This week’s meeting: Dr. Rob Winningham
Rob Winningham, PhD, will speak on Train Your Brain: An Evidence Based and Holistic Approach to Optimal Brain Health. There is mounting evidence that lifestyle factors, including staying mentally active, can delay memory problems. Dr. Winningham, professor of psychology and behavioral science at Western Oregon University, will share his recent research related to the “Use It or Lose It” theory of memory and aging. He will share a number of cognitive stimulation interventions that can be used to exercise targeted regions of the brain.
With more than 20 years of experience working on applied memory issues, Dr. Winningham will discuss the effects physical exercise, nutrition, and social support have on the likelihood of developing memory problems. The take home message is optimistic and motivating: There are many practical things that all of us can do to maximize our memory abilities.
Read more!