January 17th: What’s Cooking with the Boys & Girls Club?
The Boys & Girls Club is honored to be the recipient of the Club’s Good Works grant this year to support purchasing appliances for their satellite branches. Past President Sue Bloom will be giving us a photo tour of their Clubhouses and kitchens, and some of the magic that happens inside them.
Sue Bloom, CEO of the Boys & Girls Club of Salem, Marion & Polk Counties, has been with the organization for almost 14 years. She began her tenure at the Boys & Girls Club as Director of Operations, then led the resource development team before moving to the role of Executive Director in 2016.
Program Chair: Beth Rhoades

Being the Light
“There is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.” (Amanda Gorman)
Greetings, Fellow Rotarians!
I hope you are staying safe and warm during this extended icy snow event. Special blessings to all those who are helping out at the warming shelter. You are being the light for those who were already suffering. Thank you for going above and beyond.
Friends, this week we will hear from our very own Beth Rhoades about our Good Works! This will be a super important program because we will be highlighting the inspiring and powerful investments of our Club, spearheaded by our Good Works Committee. Come learn, fellowship, and be inspired! And . . . if you haven’t already purchased your tickets for the Good Works Silver & Gold Gala, now is the time!! Click here to ensure your spot on Friday, February 2: https://rotaryclubofsalem.com/salem-rotary-2024-good-works-gala/. Let’s make this the best one ever!
Stay safe and warm and I look forward to seeing you Wednesday!
Yours in Rotary Service,