July 31 – Salem Convention Center
Program: The Facts & Science Behind Vaccines
Dr. Fara Etzel, Rotary Club of Salem member, will share her perspective surrounding vaccines. Her talk will debunk the myths surrounding vaccines and share the science supporting this most important medical breakthrough in recent centuries.
Program Chair: Jessica Ickes

Message from President Tammy
Greetings Friends,
I hope you enjoyed last week’s program as much as I did! What an amazing inspiration to have fifteen young men and women from the countries of Cyprus, Israel and Palestine in attendance and speaking to us about their experiences of growing up learning to hate each other simply because their ancestors have been in strife for many generations. I was so touched by their commitment to be the generation to sow seeds of peace. One of our student speakers mentioned the importance of addressing challenges by focusing on the problem rather than the person. What a powerful statement!
The Creating Friendships for Peace (CFP) Program needs host families. We were told on Wednesday there was a need for host families for the students who wanted to participate, but the homes did not open to receive the students. To learn more about the CFP Program and how you can help, contact Melody Stone, CFP Area Coordinator – melodys@friendships4peace.org.
We are reminded of the blessing of freedom each time students involved in the CFP Program come to visit with us.
Have a great week. I look forward to seeing you this week.
In humble Rotary Service,