March 14 – Salem Convention Center
Program – McKay High School Jazz Band
The McKay Jazz Band will be performing for the Rotary program on March 14. The Jazz Band is directed by their teacher – J.J. Meyer and is recognized as one of the best Jazz Bands in Oregon. This is a program that all the Rotarians will enjoy. Please come to hear them.
Program Chair: Karl Raschkes

Hallo, Salem Rotarians!
How exciting is this: the District 5100 Conference, May 18-20, will be held right in our own backyard of Salem, Oregon! You’ll hear from inspirational speakers, have outstanding service opportunities led by key Rotary leaders, and experience tremendous fellowship as Rotarians from all over District 5100 gather in Salem.
The conference theme, “Leadership, Service, Friendship,” succinctly underscores what you will find at this key Rotary meeting. Hats off to the conference committee, chaired by our club’s own Tammy Dennee, and District Governor Renee Campbell for pulling together an outstanding line-up of speakers and activities.
Hosting the district conference in our home town also gives us the ability to be there to support our fellow club member and DG Renee! Let’s turn out in big numbers for what will be a fantastic meeting! Be watching your mail box and email for your registration. Or just click on the link in this week’s eblast. We can use your help as a volunteer at the conference. Sign-up sheets will be out at club meetings.
I’ll see you at Rotary!
How exciting is this: the District 5100 Conference, May 18-20, will be held right in our own backyard of Salem, Oregon! You’ll hear from inspirational speakers, have outstanding service opportunities led by key Rotary leaders, and experience tremendous fellowship as Rotarians from all over District 5100 gather in Salem.
The conference theme, “Leadership, Service, Friendship,” succinctly underscores what you will find at this key Rotary meeting. Hats off to the conference committee, chaired by our club’s own Tammy Dennee, and District Governor Renee Campbell for pulling together an outstanding line-up of speakers and activities.
Hosting the district conference in our home town also gives us the ability to be there to support our fellow club member and DG Renee! Let’s turn out in big numbers for what will be a fantastic meeting! Be watching your mail box and email for your registration. Or just click on the link in this week’s eblast. We can use your help as a volunteer at the conference. Sign-up sheets will be out at club meetings.
I’ll see you at Rotary!