March 27 – Salem Convention Center
Program: Addressing Hunger through A Coalition of Non Profits
Rick Gaupo, Marion and Polk Food Share, will provide a broader picture of their impact to our community.
Program Chair: Rick Gaupo

Message from President Rus
Hello Salem Rotarians,
You’ve heard me say many times this past year how important friendship and impact is to the reasons we are Rotarians. This past week was stellar on the friendship front with activities surrounding vocational and social themes touching the importance of community. Thanks to Claudia Vorse for arranging a tour of the new Marion County Sheriff’s Jail Command Station and our hosts, the Sherman’s and Nissen/Rimmer’s, for hosting our first Experiential Event: Que Syrah, Syrah. What do I like about these events, beyond participation? We are a big club, really big. It is very hard to get to know everyone and so we tend to gravitate in smaller circles. Both of these events were designed to provide opportunity for all of us to get together providing opportunity to get to know fellow Rotarians beyond just a “hi” on Wednesday afternoons. I was able to experience that opportunity at both events and built deeper friendships….part of what we are about.
If you were not able to attend our GoodWorks Fundraiser and sign up for upcoming Experiential Events, our next is a Kentucky Derby Party, May 4 at Allied Video Productions starting at 1:30. Watch the race with fellow Rotarians on a 13ft screen along with appropriate beverages and snacks. Hosted by the H-Group, there are still openings for $60/each. You can contact Holly Berry for tickets.
Moving over to impact, this week we finish up our month of hunger awareness. Many thanks to Mark Hunter of the Union Gospel Mission and Jayne Downing from the Center for Hope and Safety for sharing with the club their valued partnerships with the Marion Polk Food Share. Rick Gaupo will tie it all together Wednesday with a broader picture of their impact to our community. Our impact? The membership of the Rotary Club of Salem are huge supporters of this great organization with over 55% of us as sustaining contributors to the Food Share. That is something we should all be proud of and just one of the many ways we make a difference locally.
See you Wednesday,