May 5: Now What?
With the end of the pandemic in sight, many of us are crawling out of quarantine, blinking at the bright sun and thinking, now what?
![]() Speaker Shari Storm will share three tips for maintaining strong bonds with those we care about most as we transition back to normal.
Program Chair: Chane Griggs
Passcode: 802314
Meeting ID: 975 0287 0288
One tap mobile: 16699006833
Message from President Sue
Greetings fellow Rotarians!
I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend! My husband Gene and I celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary camping near Newport, then were greeted with a beautiful day to play golf at Salishan-time sure flies!
Below is a link to all info regarding vaccination clinics in the area. Please share with those you know wanting to learn more:
I know we’re all looking forward to the next opportunity to see the Amphitheater up close and personal. If you had a chance to read the article in the Statesman Sunday about the Ironman event coming to Salem, my understanding from Barry & Ken was that the organizers of the event were super-excited to have a convening venue like the amphitheater for their first event in Salem. Many great things to come for our community with the opening of the theater as a capstone to our beautiful riverfront park.
Have a wonderful week, I’ll see you Wednesday!
Yours in service. Sue