Weekly Newsletter | November 24, 2015

Pay_it_forward_logo_smAt last week’s meeting we met the auctioneer who will help ensure that our major event on February 13th will be a huge success. Brian Bice comes to us from the very successful Lake Oswego Club annual auction, and has been a professional auctioneer for nonprofit events for years. He said that the procurement of a great set of auction items is the first step to our success. “It’s not a dirty word,’ he said. “All it takes is networking, which Rotarians are very good at.”
In that spirit, I’d like to show you some ideas that the auction chairs would love to include. Do you have the ability to help us find any of these things? Let’s look at this as a treasure hunt, with the goal of raising a lot of money for the charities that we support. Our major event is only about three months away, so time is of the essence! Please work on this list over the Thanksgiving holiday with your friends and family. Don’t leave this for someone else to do: this is your event, and we need your help…
At this week’s meeting, we’ll hear from Lisa Joyce, the executive director of The Pentacle Theater. She’ll take us behind the scenes and explain the origins of the theater, how it operates and where it’s headed in the future.
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