October 7: The El Camino Trail Experience
Who would want to walk 500 miles across Spain? And then return for more? Next week we will hear from three of our members who have done just that. The Camino de Santiago is a 1,000-year-old pilgrimage that draws over 300,000 people-from all over the world-every year, for an adventure of a lifetime. Join us next week to hear from Linda Norris, Ron Kelemen, and Mark Wulf, when they share some of their experiences from the Camino.
Program Chair: Mark Wulf and Larry Gray
Message from President Sue
Greetings all,
I’m looking forward to hearing from our fellow Rotarians on their experience traveling the El Camino Real Trail, enabling us all to travel vicariously through their journeys.
Speaking of living vicariously, Rotary International has launched a virtual reality app where we can experience how Rotary is changing lives. Click here to learn more.
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See you Wednesday!
Yours in service. Sue