September 30: Oregon School Activities Update
The Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA) governs competitive extracurricular high school activities that include not only athletics but also music and speech. As we learned during the
Salem-Keizer schools update program on August 26, this is a particularly challenging year, especially for high school student athletes and musicians. Peter Weber, OSAA Executive Director, will discuss how OSAA is responding to the pandemic in Oregon and what he anticipates for this school year.

Program Chair: John McCulley
Message from President Sue
Greetings all,
I hope you’re enjoying our beautiful fall weather!
CHANGE OF ORDER of our meeting agenda. Our presenter, Peter Weber with OSAA will present following our invocation-about 12:05-so please make sure you’re logged in so you able to fully participate in the program.
Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Meeting ID: 975 0287 0288
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Yours in service. Sue