September 16: The Willamette Water Trail
Join us to learn about the Willamette Water Trail and more! Ever wanted to take up paddle boarding or want to know how to access our backyard river? Want to know why Rick Gaupo always seems so happy after his dragon boating excursions?
Heather King from Willamette Riverkeeper and Katie McFall with the Willamette Valley Visitors Association will lead what promises to be a fascinating conversation about opportunities to volunteer and enjoy the Willamette River.
Program Chair: Chane Griggs
Message from President Sue
Greetings all,
I hope this note finds you safe and well!
This is obviously a huge understatement; we’re all in some level of stress right now. One of the ways to help yourself and others feel safer and more normal is to lean into connecting with others, so we can help each other co-regulate our stressors.
For me, this weekend our son (finally) called from the Warm Springs fire to check in. After the barrage of questions from his parents about he and his comrades’ well-being; we slid into chit-chat, some silliness and plans to spend time together when he’s done. In his voice we could tell his mood had brightened by the end of our call, and Gene and I were feeling much better as well.
During this challenging times, your board of directors is looking for creative ways to build stronger connectivity as well as opportunities for more fellowship. In addition to some things we’re toying with at our weekly meetings, we’re interested to know what kind of avocations and interests you all have, with the goal of providing opportunities to convene folks of like interest to build relationships that over the last many months of our virtual reality have been difficult to develop.
What do you enjoy?-golf, running, cooking, travel, art, high adventure, poetry, book discussions, DIY, wine and beer appreciation, gleaning, gardening-sharing seeds/starts, are you a car aficionado….the list is endless. Think about it and I’ll ask for ideas to be dropped into our meeting’s chat box. You can also feel free to drop me a note and share your thoughts.
Take care, be safe and well. Let me know if I can be helpful.
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Yours in service. Sue