September 23: Salem Rotary Foundation
Join us to hear from the recipient of the Duvall Scholarship and two programs that benefited from the Good Works grants. We will hear from Jennifer Naranjo, the Chemeketa Community College student awarded the Duvall Scholarship and from representatives of FACES Family Day Care Literacy & Resource Center and the Salem Keizer Coalition for Equality. Each of these programs will highlight how they served youth and families in our community through their 2020 Good Works grants.
This program will remind all of us how our fundraising efforts make a real difference in our community.
Program Chair: Jayne Downing
Message from President Sue
Greetings all,
On our Salem Region President’s Council meeting the other day, Steve Williams, DGN, District 5100, joined us to discuss Rotary’s core values: diversity, integrity, fellowship, leadership and service.
He also shared that RI is working on creating a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policy; to create an organization that is more open and inclusive, fair to all, builds goodwill, and benefits our communities. The goal is to engage people with differing perspectives and ideas who will help Rotary take action to create lasting change in communities around the world. You can read more about it here
If you’re looking for an opportunity to serve following the devastating fires in the canyon, Stayton-area President Debbie Voepel shared this volunteer opportunity coming up this Saturday:
Please come join us to help clean up the camp. We are trying to quickly get it ready and safe, so we can support our friends and neighbors up the canyon who have been displaced by the fires. A local Disc Golf group is planning a benefit tournament to raise money. We need to make the course ready and safe also.
Please click on this link to the event and let us know if you can help. That way we can make sure we have enough food. If you are planning to bring truck, trailer or heavier equipment, please make a comment on the events page. If you have a special skill, please let us know but everyone is invited. We have a few widow maker snags and need a professional to drop them. |
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Yours in service. Sue