This is Water and Sanitation Month on the Rotary International calendar. In that spirit, I thought I would share the attached handwritten note. It was delivered to me by Cynthia Witham from Lavaud Cheristin of Hinche, Haiti. The text reads, “Dear President Mary, Thank you for sending Cynthia and the other Rotarians to see the […]
Weekly Newsletter | March 15, 2016
Last Wednesday, the club members who had a major part in planning our “Pay it Forward” event got together to celebrate and debrief. We were lucky enough to be joined by our auctioneer, Brian Bice. Brian is very experienced with working with Rotary auction events in other Clubs, and he brought us valuable words of […]
Weekly Newsletter | March 8, 2016
“Every day has to have something unforgettable. Something I’ve heard and love is that people may not remember what you did or said but, they will always remember how you made them feel. So, on that note go make someone feel unforgettable.” Who wrote these wise words? A teacher? A civic leader? Perhaps a motivational […]
Weekly Newsletter | March 1, 2016
The Rotary Food and Funds Drive is off and running. During the month of March, we Rotarians have a chance to help Salem area residents get the support they need to put food on their table during tough times. I’ve always been proud of the way our Club steps up during this annual campaign. We […]
Weekly Newsletter | February 23, 2016
Club members Cynthia Witham and Bo Nyleen departed for Haiti last week, along with their spouses and another Rotarian from Keizer named Doug Lusk. One of their missions is to visit the locations where wells and latrines have been installed under the sponsorship of Rotary. Our Club and others in the Willamette Valley banded together […]
State of the City
Salem Mayor Anna Peterson to Deliver State of the City Address March 2, 2016 Salem Mayor Anna Peterson will deliver the State of the City Address for Oregon’s Capital City at Noon on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at the Salem Convention Center, 200 Commercial SE, in Salem, Oregon. The West Salem High School Jazz Band […]
2016 Small Grant Application – Now Open
The 2016 Small Grant Application window is now open! Grants from the Salem Rotary Foundation generally range between $500 to $1,500 each. The hope is to fund projects that directly or indirectly foster, develop, promote, and encourage the health, education, and the general welfare of primarily youth in the city of Salem and the surrounding area. […]
Weekly Newsletter | February 16, 2016
Thank you, Christian Bryant, for your leadership in organizing our “Pay it Forward” fundraiser last Saturday evening. By all indications, it was a great success. The room looked beautiful, checkin and checkout was smooth, dinner and wine were great, and the fellowship excellent. Thank you, Lauren Gutierrez, for countless hours of preparation, especially in the […]