December 18 – Salem Convention Center
Program: Human Trafficking
Antonia Decker is the Human Trafficking Advocate/Youth Advocate at the Center for Hope & Safety (CHS) in Marion County, Oregon. Antonia will be providing an overview of Human Trafficking – the definitions, prevalence, locations and venues, power and control tactics, risk factors and warning signs. In addition, Antonia will speak to the programs and services CHS offers for victims and survivors of Human Trafficking.
Program Chair: Karl Raschkes

Message from President Tammy
Holiday Greetings my Rotary Friends,
I hope you are enjoying your holidays and making time to not only recharge your batteries but spending time with friends and family. For me, the holidays can bring on intense feelings of wishing I had more hours in the day so I could just get more done. How about you? The truth is, as I prepare this week’s column, I am seated among gifts needing to be wrapped in a house that still needs to be decorated. I keep reminding myself to breathe. It will all get done, just not right this minute.
You don’t want to miss this week’s meeting, our final meeting of 2019. The Salvation Army Band will provide music as lunch is enjoyed and the “Red Kettle” is passed for your generous donation. It is sure to be a meeting full of laughter, friends and great food. The next time we convene will be January 8, 2020. So, come and be part of the Christmas festivities this Wednesday.
Have you seen the January edition of The Rotarian magazine? If not, you may want to give it a look. It is full of intriguing personal experiences of Rotary members from around the world. The magazine invites Rotarians to share stories (see pg. 53) to be considered for publication the next time the “What’s it Like” edition is published. I know our Club is full of interesting people who have fantastic tales to share. You can submit your story to:
Do you have an idea for an auction item for the Good Works event? Do you have interest in helping with this event? If the answer to either question is yes, be sure to reach out to Scott Mischke and Nick Williams. They will welcome your ideas and your enthusiasm. Let’s work together to make the 2020 Good Works Fundraiser the best we’ve ever hosted.
I wish you and yours a very blessed holiday season.