December 4 – Salem Convention Center
Program: Gold Star Report
Join us this Wednesday at the Salem Convention Center for the Gold Star Report prepared and presented by Club Secretary, Holly Berry, and for the elections of the new Rotary and Salem Rotary Foundation Board of Directors for the 2020-2021 Program Year beginning July 1, 2020.
Past President Rus McCracken, Chair of the Nominations Committee, will ask for members to vote on a Bylaws Change amending the Board Term of Service from two years to three years and to seat the proposed slate of board members and officers. This meeting is the official Annual Meeting of our Club.
Program Chairs: Rus McCracken – Past President & Nominations Committee Chair and Holly Berry, Club Secretary

Message from President Tammy
Greetings Rotary Friends,
I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday with friends and family.
In case you missed it, I thought I would share the invitation recently sent to Rotary members asking for participants in the Guatemala Literacy Project. The email from Joe Berninger appears below:
“We are still in great need of Rotarians to serve with the GLP team on our February service trips to Guatemala. Our educational programs there currently serve more than 50,000 impoverished children, and with your Club’s help… we hope to grow that number even more! So please consider joining me for one of these volunteer trips to Guatemala:
- Feb 1-9, 2020
- Feb 18-23, 2020
Many hands make light work, so we hope to send as many Rotarians as possible to deliver textbooks, inaugurate computer centers, and much more. Visit our project’s website for more details or submit an application here. Email me anytime with questions at”
Joe Berninger
If the Guatemala Literacy Project is a fit for you, don’t hesitate to contact Joe.
I look forward to seeing you Wednesday. We will receive our Gold Star Report from Club Secretary, Holly Berry, and vote on the new slate of Board Members and Officers for the 2020-2021 year. You don’t want to miss.
See you on Wednesday my friends.