February 3: Marion Polk Continuum of Care HUD Designation HUD provides financial resources to Continuum’s of Care (CoC) throughout the US. Each CoC brings local partners together to work collectively to address homelessness in their area. Carla Munns is a consultant for the Mid-Willamette Valley Homeless Alliance (MWVHA), the region’s Continuum of Care. Its overarching mission […]
Weekly Newsletter | January 26, 2020
January 27: Common Estate Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Salem Rotary Club member, Ryan Collier, will discuss building an estate planning toolbox so your loved ones have the tools to make medical and financial decisions for you when you cannot. He will also discuss estate tax planning and incorporating retirement plans into your estate plan. […]
Weekly Newsletter | January 19, 2020
January 20: It’s Just Brain Surgery! Mauricio Collada Jr is a Father, a husband, a neurosurgeon, and a winery owner in Salem, Oregon who has been part of this Salem community since 1983. He was born in Havana, Cuba, and arrived from Cuba as a child with his parents in 1962. Dr. Collada considers that […]
Weekly Newsletter | January 12, 2020
January 13: Santiam Canyon Fire Response The program committee has decided to provide a series of programs related to the Santiam wildfires that devastated the area last fall. The first of these programs will feature Kyle McMann, Marion County Fire Chief. He will present about how Marion County Fire responded to the fires, the experiences of the […]
Weekly Newsletter | January 5, 2020
January 6: Vaccination Plan for Marion County The Marion County COIVD-19 vaccination plan is modeled after the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program Interim Playbook for Jurisdictions and involves many state, regional, and local healthcare and community partners. Katrina Rothenberger MPH, Marion County’s Health and Human Services Public Health Division Director, will provide an overview of Marion […]
Weekly Newsletter | December 22, 2020
December 23: Holiday Fellowship Every December our club takes an opportunity to look back at the previous Rotary year to celebrate all that our club has accomplished. Message from President Sue Greetings fellow Rotarians! Our meeting this week will start with our Annual Meeting, with Past President Tammy presenting the slate of officers a […]
Weekly Newsletter | December 15, 2020
December 16: Gold Star Report Every December our club takes an opportunity to look back at the previous Rotary year to celebrate all that our club has accomplished. Message from President Sue Greetings fellow Rotarians! I hope this note finds you well and enjoying the holidays! Click here to Join Zoom Meeting […]
Weekly Newsletter | December 8, 2020
December 9: Salem-Keizer School District Bond Measure Construction Update In May of 2018, the voters in our community passed a $620 million dollar bond to expand schools across the Salem-Keizer School District. Since that time, we have a number of schools that have received expansions including additional career-technical education spaces, science classrooms and gyms. We have additional […]