Weekly Newsletter | February 28, 2017

I had a reoccurring, interesting and important conversation with one of our younger members this last week. She was wondering if we were making any special effort to attract young people into the club. I shared that the need to attract young people has been a part of several conversations we have had as we think about attracting […]

Weekly Newsletter | February 21, 2017

Another “Wow” moment. It never ceases to amaze me when I read about what other Rotary clubs around the world are doing to better serve humanity. In Malaysia, 400 dictionaries. In Argentina, clean drinking water for 5,000 kids. In Nigeria, Legos State University Teaching Hospital, repairing birth defects for 210 indigent kids and in the […]

Weekly Newsletter | February 14, 2017

What can I say. Saturday night’s Gala was a Home Run. The lively crowd looked like it was having a great time and the fund raising was a joy for all who participated. Chuck will hopefully have the bottom-line for us in a few days to let us know how well we did financially. More and […]

Weekly Newsletter | February 7, 2017

Now that our membership efforts are really starting to pay off it is also important to make sure that we do not neglect the members that we have, both new and ongoing. There is all the usual Rotary thought about getting new members involved in committees but we must also be sure that we keep our ongoing members involved in […]

Weekly Newsletter | January 31, 2017

To paraphrase RI President Germ’s thought in the current Rotarian magazine – just imagine a world without Rotary. Think of Rotary’s contributions since 1905 to improving the issues of: peace, poverty, health, clean water, basic sanitation and educating the world’s children. Rotary is the benchmark by which all NGOs are measured. Rotary is the local and international gold standard […]

Weekly Newsletter | January 24, 2017

There are two things foremost on my mind as I enter the second half of my year as your fearless leader. First, we are getting very close to our annual Gala Fundraiser. I am hoping that you are as excited about attending, bringing your significant other and friends, buying a table if that is your […]

Weekly Newsletter | January 17, 2017

I continue to be impressed this year with the good work and projects this club’s member’s undertake in this community. Whether it’s John Shirley’s work on the “Big Race” schedules for next October, Berry Nelson’s work on our 100 Year Project (the outdoor theater) in the River Front Park as we approach 2020, or Sue […]

Weekly Newsletter | January 10, 2017

It is that special giving/evening-out time of the year for us Rotarians. So, I will get right to the point. We really must get behind, in a big way, our annual fundraiser. Christian, Lauren and the Gala Team have done a great deal of heavy lifting already but this is still an event in motion-under […]

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