Weekly Newsletter | December 6, 2016

A strong and vibrant “Club Building” effort is the life-blood of every Rotary Club – world-wide. It, along with our hands-on involvement and the funding of our efforts locally and around the world, are the basis of what keeps our club healthy and strong. If we keep our eyes on the tiger (the core) of the Rotary […]

Weekly Newsletter | November 29, 2016

Whether it is the Rotary Club of Shanghai that developed a “real work” Production Center for China’s disabled, the Rotary Club of Sooke, BC who is circulating a “bell” around the world to raise money for the Polio Plus effort, the Rotary Club of Alford and Mable-Thorpe, England sponsoring a Peace Fellowship for someone every four years, […]

Weekly Newsletter | November 22, 2016

While there are many moving parts to make a Rotary club really meaningful to its members and successful in mission, none is more important than the active ingredient – Fellowship and the resulting Trust and Friendships that develop over time. It has frequently been said that vision, mission and friendships are the “glue” that hold Rotary […]

Weekly Newsletter | November 15, 2016

Last week a member walked up to me and said that she enjoyed my weekly messages. When I asked why, she said, “Because they were short” and I’m guessing to the point. That is – little or no psychobabble. Well here goes another brief message I know is on members’ minds from time to time. […]

Weekly Newsletter | November 8, 2016

Last week you received an “orange flyer” in your box with a message about Rotary International Month. Claudia Vorse shared some words of encouragement with you during the club meeting to give. You saw a video presentation of the types of service the Foundation provides around the world and received a brief message from me […]

Weekly Newsletter | November 2, 2016

This next Wednesday is our “kick-off” meeting for the month of November where The Rotary Foundation (TRF) will share the stage with our ongoing New Member Drive. As the video (you will see) clearly states, we have reached “A Century of Doing Good in the World.” Whether it’s Group Study Exchange, Polio Plus, Matching Grants, […]

Weekly Newsletter | October 25, 2016

I think a lot these days about who the “go to” and potential “go to” people are in our expanding club when different tasks come up that need a “special touch” or doing. So, at the risk of alienating every member of the club, but one, I decided to write this short message because I […]

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