I woke up last night about 2:00 thinking that I have not done a very good job of communicating why “Club Membership Building” this year and into the future is critical to our survival and ability to do good. So here is my thinking, in short, my Readers Digest “summary” in writing. 1.) If you […]
Weekly Newsletter | December 27, 2016
As you may or may not know our club’s Membership Committee had fallen on “hard times” and really ceased to function, as either: 1.) a keeper of Rotary International’s evolving membership rules or 2.) more importantly, as a vibrant source of inspiration to our membership to stay engaged and/or as a “point of light” to […]
Weekly Newsletter | December 20, 2016
The Salvation Army was founded in 1865 by William Booth in London England and has spread to many parts of the world. Its world-wide membership is estimated at 1.5 million. It adopted a quasi-military structure in 1878, and was, at that time, formally named the Salvation Army. Salvationists lead a life governed by “high moral standards, […]
Weekly Newsletter | December 13, 2016
The December issue of the Rotarian Magazine has several very interesting articles. One involving the ongoing “water rights battles’ in the Klamath Basin, highlighting Rotary’s involvement, and several articles featuring special service projects around the world. But in one very short article summarizing a book entitled The Attention Merchants by Tim Wu there is an […]
Weekly Newsletter | December 6, 2016
A strong and vibrant “Club Building” effort is the life-blood of every Rotary Club – world-wide. It, along with our hands-on involvement and the funding of our efforts locally and around the world, are the basis of what keeps our club healthy and strong. If we keep our eyes on the tiger (the core) of the Rotary […]
Weekly Newsletter | November 29, 2016
Whether it is the Rotary Club of Shanghai that developed a “real work” Production Center for China’s disabled, the Rotary Club of Sooke, BC who is circulating a “bell” around the world to raise money for the Polio Plus effort, the Rotary Club of Alford and Mable-Thorpe, England sponsoring a Peace Fellowship for someone every four years, […]
Weekly Newsletter | November 22, 2016
While there are many moving parts to make a Rotary club really meaningful to its members and successful in mission, none is more important than the active ingredient – Fellowship and the resulting Trust and Friendships that develop over time. It has frequently been said that vision, mission and friendships are the “glue” that hold Rotary […]
Weekly Newsletter | November 15, 2016
Last week a member walked up to me and said that she enjoyed my weekly messages. When I asked why, she said, “Because they were short” and I’m guessing to the point. That is – little or no psychobabble. Well here goes another brief message I know is on members’ minds from time to time. […]